Thursday, January 10, 2008

The First of Many Glorious J Term Classes

The time has finally come for our young scholarly minds to get back into the classroom, and I am shocked to find myself happy about that fact! Today’s class was a bit of a wake up call for me because once class started; I was actually back in school! Once I collected myself and remembered how to have an attention span of more than three seconds, I was good to go! Today’s class was exciting for a number of reasons. Among them was the fact that almost everyone in the class wants to pursue a career in television, which means that I am finally in a class of like minded people! Another thing that made me happy in this class is the fact that someone has finally given me, in writing, a list of what I should and should not wear when on television. I have had a general idea of what to wear for some time, but to have a much more concise list was something that brought me great joy! Is it wrong to get excited about completely random things?The greatest part of our first class was the fact that we actually started working in the T.V. studio! I was elated to see that we did not waste any time getting into the studio and getting down to business. I think one of the things that I will enjoy the most about this class is the fact that it is a “doing” class and not a “studying” class. It is nice to have a class where I can put the skills that I have developed to use! I can not wait to see what I learn in the coming days!
Posted by John W at 11:57 AM

Tracy F said...
You are too silly.. your page is just as ellaborate as mine. You did great today though. You need to stop beating yourself up. We are all learning and that is why we are taking this class. No one is perfect. :)
January 4, 2008 5:44 PM
Neal S said...
I very much agree that it is great to finally have a class of like-minded people. I think that if the class is even half as dedicated as I think they are about television, we should have a fantastic J-Term.
January 4, 2008 7:26 PM
Jen said...
In hard times you just have to remember that even Zilch makes mistakes. Haha that's for you trace. John you do a great job and you know it!
January 4, 2008 11:19 PM
Tracy F said...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Jen, I love it! That is halarious!!!!!!! Zilch....what??? lol

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