Monday, January 14, 2008

Manic Monday

Another Monday and another sports broadcast in the books. I have been doing the sports portion of our news broadcast since last semester, and find that I am still having trouble being comfortable in front of the teleprompter. One of the things that helped my broadcast today was the voice training that we did on Friday. For some reason, today
, I had an especially difficult time getting myself to be comfortable in front of the camera. Today was nice because we were given some packets that contained relaxing exercises, as well as a great deal of other helpful information. After spending time going over the agenda and watching tapes of Prof. Schroeder’s college broadcasts, which were nice to see. While I realize that it must have been difficult for her to show them to us, I did learn from them. It was nice to see someone else who had a difficult transition into the world of T.V.
I was able watch my classmates, some of who have not been in front of the camera very much, and it was reassuring to see that I was not the only one in the class who needs improvement. Today was also fun because we got to see that packages that we put together actually go on the air. It was nice to see two days worth of work come out in the form of such a nice finished product. I look forward to putting together more packages in the future and I have plenty of ideas for things that I would like to do.

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